The Chemical Hygiene and Safety Plan (CHSP) is intended to provide guidance to all LBNL supervisors, employees, contractors, visitors, and guests for the safe handling use and storage of hazardous materials in laboratory, shop and office settings. It identifies LBNL, Division, Department, supervisor and employee responsibilities and establishes procedures for identification, evaluation and control of hazardous materials.
The CHSP includes the requirements of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) “Hazard Communication Standard”; (29 CFR 1910.1200) for employees in shop and office settings and the OSHA “Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Materials in Laboratories” (29 CFR 1910.1450) for laboratory employees.
The Hazard Communication Standard was developed to inform employees who work with hazardous chemicals of the risks associated with those chemicals. A separate standard (the “Laboratory Standard”) was specifically developed for laboratory operations because these environments often differ from industrial and office settings in the use and handling of hazardous chemicals.
LBNL combined both of these federal OSHA requirements into the CHSP in order to establish a standardized framework for chemical hygiene practices, information dissemination, and training at LBNL regardless of the occupational setting.
It is a requirement of employment and a precondition for using Laboratory facilities that every employee, guest, visiting scientist, or contractor working on- or off-site, be familiar with and comply with LBNL safety standards.
The Chemical Hygiene and Safety Plan is located in PUB-3000, Chapter 45, Chemical Hygiene and Safety Plan.
Log in to the Chemical Management System to track and maintain an accurate chemical inventory.