Removal of PCB-Contaminated Soil inside Building 75A
Concrete Slab has been saw cut. Soil sampling locations are shown as holes in concrete.
Removal of PCB-Contaminated Soil inside Building 75A
Soil excavation area.
Removal of PCB-Contaminated Soil inside Building 75A
Contaminated soil was removed to the depth of 5 feet.
Removal of PCB-Contaminated Soil at Building 75 J Pad
Soil excavation under the concrete slab and next to the gas lines.
Removal of PCB-Contaminated Soil at Building 75 J Pad
The excavation site is backfilled with low-strength concrete.
Removal of PCB-Contaminated Soil at Building 75 J Pad
Backfilling of excavation site has been completed.
Removal of PCB-Contaminated Soil South of Building 75 J Pad
Gas line, electric cables and other subsurface utilities are exposed.
Removal of PCB-Contaminated Soil between Buildings 75 and 75A
Excavation site.
Removal of PCB-Contaminated Soil Southeast side of Building 75A
Excavation site.
Building 71B ICMs
Removal of VOC-Contaminated Soil at Building 71B
Water line and storm drains are diverted to allow soil excavation.
Removal of VOC-Contaminated Soil at Building 71B
Excavation is being backfilled with low-strength concrete.
Removal of VOC-Contaminated Soil at Building 71B
Groundwater monitoring well MW71B-99-3R is installed in excavation area.
Removal of VOC-Contaminated Soil at Building 71B
A picture showing an excavator digging contaminated soil and placing in a small bin to be lifted by a crane.
Removal of VOC-Contaminated Soil at Building 71B
A bin of excavated soil is being lifted for dumping into a larger bin.
Building 25a ICM
Removal of PCB-Contaminated Soil at Building 51 Basement
Excavation area showing connection point of cast iron and terra cotta pipe.
Building 53/58 Slope ICM
Building 53/58 Slope Source Control ICM
Dual-phase extraction system at Building 53/58 slope.
Building 58 East Slope ICMs
Building 58 East Source Control ICM
The last pipe is being removed from the trench.
Building 58 East Source Control ICM
The trench has been backfilled with drain rock.
Building 58 East Source Control ICM
The trench construction is completed.