Approved by Rob Connelly
Revised 1/22
31.1 Policy
31.2 Scope
31.3 Applicability
31.4 Exceptions
31.5 Roles and Responsibilities
31.6 Definitions
31.7 Required Work Processes
- Work Process A. SJHA Process Overview
- Work Process B. Creating an SJHA
- Work Process C. Training and Orientation
31.8 Source Requirements
31.9 Reference Documents
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31.1 Policy
The Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis (SJHA) Program at Berkeley Lab is a work authorization tool that helps SJHA requesters take responsibility for ensuring that all non-construction subcontractor work is performed safely and in accordance with regulations by:
- Completing the Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis (SJHA) online process
- Reviewing the SJHA and validating hazards and controls with the subcontractor
- Providing work oversight to ensure the subcontractor is performing the work as authorized
31.2 Scope
The Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis (SJHA) Program applies to onsite, hands-on work performed by non-construction subcontractors, vendors and affiliates.
Each division must ensure that its subcontractors, vendors, and affiliates perform on-site work in compliance with Berkeley Lab Environment, Safety & Health (ES&H) requirements. The SJHA process includes:
A pre-job meeting must occur between the SJHA requester and the subcontractor, vendor, or affiliate at which:
- The SJHA and any other required work authorizations, permits, site specific work plans, worker submittals, etc., are reviewed and/or signed.
- The ES&H Orientation for Non-Construction Subcontractors, Vendors & Affiliates is reviewed and discussed.
31.3 Applicability
This policy applies to:
- All Berkeley Lab Divisions
- All hands-on work performed at Berkeley Lab facilities by non-construction subcontractors, vendors, and affiliates
- Subcontractors, vendors, and affiliates who perform non-construction, hands-on work at facilities owned or leased by Berkeley Lab
31.4 Exceptions
This policy does not apply to activities or services that do not involve onsite, hands-on work. Examples of service providers who may be excluded may include, but are not limited to:
- Consultants
- Personal services agreements
- Contract labor
- Intra-university transactions
- Advanced Light Source (ALS) and other user-facility affiliates addressed by another work authorization mechanism
- Other university agreements
- Subcontractors, vendors, or affiliates who are already covered by a Berkeley Lab’s Work Planning and Control Program
31.5 Roles and Responsibilities
Role |
Responsibility |
Managers, supervisors, and employees |
Division Safety Coordinator |
EHS Division SJHA Â Program Manager |
Procurement Department |
Requestor |
Subcontractor, Vendor, and Affiliate |
31.6 Definitions
The following are definitions for key terms used in this chapter.
31.7 Required Work Processes
Work Process A. SJHA Process Overview

- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab or LBNL) must ensure that all subcontractors, vendors, and affiliates who perform work at its facilities do so safely and in compliance with applicable regulations. The Non-Construction Safety Assurance Program is designed to meet this requirement. General requirements are documented in PUB-3140 (Integrated Environment, Safety & Health Management Plan: Integrated Safety Management (ISM) System), and PUB-3851 (Worker Safety and Health Program). Each division must ensure that its subcontractors, vendors, and affiliates perform on-site work in compliance with Berkeley Lab Environment, Safety & Health (ES&H) requirements. The Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Division helps Berkeley Lab divisions carry out their responsibilities through the Non-Construction Safety Assurance Program and the online Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis (SJHA) Program, whose policies, processes, and responsibilities are described in this document. Detailed information on the use of the password-protected online SJHA System is provided in the online help associated with this system.
- The SJHA System is linked to the Berkeley Lab Procurement process so a decision is made as to whether on-site hands-on work will be performed by the subcontractor, vendor, or affiliate. If the decision is yes, the SJHA process is initiated. A flowchart for the Non-Construction Subcontractor Safety Process is found here.
- The full suite of Safe Work Authorizations also includes formal Authorizations for Increased Hazards discussed in ES&H Manual Chapter 6 Work Planning and Control.
NOTE: Construction safety assurance is discussed in Chapter 10 Construction Safety and is a separate process that uses Site Specific Safety Plans (SSSPs).
Work Process B. Creating an SJHA
- Before hands-on work (see Definitions, Section 31.6) can be performed by subcontractors, vendors, or affiliates at Berkeley Lab facilities, the following activities must be completed:
- A Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis (SJHA) form must be created and made active after signing, and the subcontractor, vendor, or affiliate must review the ES&H Orientation for Non-Construction Subcontractors, Vendors & Affiliates pamphlet, or equivalent (See Work Process C).
- A pre-job meeting must take place between the requestor and the subcontractor, vendor, or affiliate at which:
- The SJHA and any other required work authorizations such as LOTO permits, etc., are reviewed and signed.
- The ES&H Orientation for Non-Construction Subcontractors, Vendors & Affiliates safety pamphlet is reviewed and discussed.
- During the hands-on work performed by the subcontractor, vendor, or affiliate, the requestor provides safety oversight of the subcontractors using a risk-based graded approach described in this chapter.
- Prior to performing hands-on work, the signed SJHA and any associated safety submittal documents are scanned and uploaded into the online SJHA System.
- The following paragraphs define the minimum requirements for authorizing a subcontractor, vendor, or affiliate to perform non-construction work at Berkeley Lab facilities. Operational differences exist among divisions, and divisions may develop methods to fulfill requirements that suit their organization and work environments, and include these requirements in their division’s ISMS implementation plans.
- Pre-Job Planning — Creating the SJHA and Subcontractor Orientation. To develop the SJHA and prepare for the pre-job meeting, the following activities must be completed:
- An SJHA must be created by using the online SJHA System.
- The unique web link for the SJHA must be sent to Procurement as part of the requisition process and, if appropriate, sent directly to the subcontractor, vendor, or affiliate (e.g., for warranty work not obtained through the Procurement process).
- Prior to the pre-job meeting, the subcontractor, vendor, or affiliate must:
- Review the draft online SJHA form, enter his or her input into the draft online sJHA form
- Review the ES&H Orientation for Non-Construction Subcontractors, Vendors & Affiliates.
- Complete GERT Training
- Submit any relevant work submittals, work plans, etc.
- Pre-Job Meeting — To facilitate effective communication between the requestor and the subcontractor, vendor, and affiliate, a pre-job meeting is required. At the pre-job meeting, the following activities are to be completed:
- Review, discuss, and modify, as necessary, the SJHA and any required safe work authorizations, permits, work plans, worker submittals, etc.
- Confirm the work hazard level.
- Identify any additional hazards or controls not identified through the SJHA Process.
- Both parties sign the SJHA and any required safe work authorizations.
- The completed and signed copy of the SJHA and required safe work authorizations are available at the work location during the period of performance of the work.
- The signed documents must be scanned and uploaded to the SJHA System in a timely manner (e.g., preferably by the end of the next business day).
- Subcontractor Oversight — To confirm and document that the subcontractor, vendor, or affiliate is performing the work as authorized, the SJHA requestor must provide safety oversight and record observations by using the risk-based, graded approach described below and document these observations in the SJHA online.
Work that is not performed in conformance with the SJHA must be corrected by the SJHA requester on the spot..
- Pre-Job Planning — Creating the SJHA and Subcontractor Orientation. To develop the SJHA and prepare for the pre-job meeting, the following activities must be completed:
Hazard Level | Frequency |
Low-Level Hazard Work | Oversight of low-level hazard work (see Definitions, Section 31.6) is performed at a frequency that is discretionary and comparable to the oversight of similar activities performed by Berkeley Lab employees. |
High-Level Hazard Work | High-level hazard work (see Definitions, Section 31.6) must be observed and documented at a minimum frequency of once per workday, or more frequently if required by work authorizations (e.g., LOTO permits, penetration permits, site specific work plans, etc.). |
Work Process C. Training and Orientation
Non-construction subcontractors must review the ES&H Orientation for Non-Construction Subcontractors, Vendors & Affiliates pamphlet:
- Prior to working on site, and
- To verify understanding at the pre-job meeting.

31.8 Source Requirements
- PUB-3140, Integrated Environment, Safety & Health Management Plan: Integrated Safety Management (ISM) System
- 10 CFR 851, Worker Safety and Health Program
31.9 Reference Documents
Document number | Title | Type | | ES&H Manual Chapter 6 Work Planning and Control | Program | | ES&H Manual Chapter 8 Electrical Safety Program | Program | | ES&H Manual Chapter 10 Construction Safety | Program |