Approved by Jim Buehler
Revised 9/21
62.1 Policy
62.2 Scope
62.3 Applicability
62.4 Exceptions
62.5 Roles and Responsibilities
62.6 Definitions
62.7 Required Work Processes
62.8 Source Requirements
62.9 Reference Documents
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62.1 Policy
Berkeley Lab monitors Laboratory activities that have potential to adversely impact public health or environmental quality. Berkeley Lab’s environmental-monitoring program consists of four major activities:
- Effluent monitoring. The collection and analysis of samples or the measurement of liquid and gaseous effluents in order to characterize and quantify contaminants, assess radiation exposures to members of the public, provide a means to control effluents at or near the point of discharge, and demonstrate compliance with applicable standards and permit requirements
- Environmental surveillance. The collection and analysis of samples or the direct measurement of air, water, soil, vegetation, and other media from the Berkeley Lab site and its environs in order to determine compliance with applicable standards and permit requirements, assess radiation exposures to members of the public, and assess the effects, if any, on the local environment
- Meteorological monitoring. The collection of representative meteorological data to characterize atmospheric transport and diffusion conditions in the vicinity of Berkeley Lab, and to support environmental surveillance activities, such as air-quality monitoring and exposure assessments
- Pre-operational monitoring. An environmental study conducted prior to the start-up of a new facility, or a process to establish a baseline for environmental conditions
62.2 Scope
Environmental monitoring is performed for the following:
- Sewer effluents
- Storm-water effluents
- Stack air emissions
- Ambient air
- Groundwater
- Creek water and sediment
- Soil
- Vegetation
- Penetrating radiation
- Meteorological parameters
62.3 Applicability
All Berkeley Lab employees, visitors, affiliates, and subcontractors who measure potentially harmful environmental discharges or emissions and report the information to the Department of Energy (DOE) or external regulatory agencies
62.4 Exceptions
62.5 Roles and Responsibilities
Role |
Responsibility |
Principal Investigators and Supervisors |
Employees |
Environmental Services Group (ESG) |
62.6 Definitions
Term | Definition |
As low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) | An approach to radiological management and control that aims to keep exposures (individual and collective) to the general public and the environment at levels as low as is reasonable, taking into account social, technical, economic, practical, and public policy considerations. As used in this manual, ALARA is not a dose limit but a process with the objective of attaining doses as far below the applicable controlling limits as is reasonably achievable. |
Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) | The local agency responsible for regulating stationary sources of regulated or hazardous air pollutants in the San Francisco Bay Area |
Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | The department within the California Environmental Protection Agency that regulates remedial actions |
East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) | The local municipal agency that accepts and regulates sanitary sewer discharges from Berkeley Lab and that supplies drinking water to the Lab. |
Effluent | Any treated or untreated liquid discharge from Berkeley Lab or from a Laboratory facility |
Emission | Any filtered or unfiltered substance released to the air from Berkeley Lab or from a Laboratory facility |
Environmental monitoring | The collection and analysis of environmental samples or direct measurements of environmental media. Environmental monitoring consists of three major activities: effluent monitoring, environmental surveillance, and meteorological monitoring. |
Environmental surveillance | The collection and analysis of samples, or direct measurements of air, water, soil, foodstuff, biota, and other media from Berkeley Lab and its environs, in order to determine compliance with applicable standards and permit requirements, assess radiation exposures of members of the public, and assess the effects, if any, on the local environment |
Environmental occurrence | Any sudden or sustained deviation from a regulated or planned performance at an operation that has environmental protection and compliance significance |
Hazardous air pollutant | Any pollutant listed in Section 112(b) of the Clean Air Act |
Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) | A general term for sewage-treatment plants. The EBMUD plant is the POTW that accepts sewage from Berkeley Lab. |
Radionuclide | A natural or manmade atom that spontaneously undergoes radioactive decay |
Regulated air pollutants | Pollutants controlled by standards authorized by the Clean Air Act. They include the classes of substances defined as nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, toxic air contaminants, and ozone-depleting substances. |
State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | The agency responsible for promulgating the California General Permit for Storm Water Discharge Associated with Industrial Activities. At Berkeley Lab, this permit is administered and enforced by the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, with assistance from the city of Berkeley. |
Underground storage tank (UST) | A stationary device designed to contain an accumulation of hazardous material or waste. A UST is constructed primarily of non-earthen material, but the entire surface area of the tank is totally below the surface of, and covered by, the ground. |
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | A federal agency that enforces environmental laws. In California, some of this responsibility is often delegated to state and local regulatory agencies. |
62.7 Required Work Processes
Work Process A. Environmental Monitoring
- Compliance
- Berkeley Lab’s environmental-monitoring program helps ensure that Laboratory activities are conducted in a manner that protects public health and maintains environmental quality. The program is designed to demonstrate compliance with requirements imposed by federal, state, and local regulatory agencies; confirm adherence to DOE environmental-protection requirements; and support environmental management decisions.
- Several external agencies provide regulatory oversight. They include: DOE, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the California Department of Toxic Substances Control, the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, the East Bay Municipal Utility District, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and the City of Berkeley.
- Environmental-monitoring activities at Berkeley Lab consist of four major activities:
- Effluent monitoring. The collection and analysis of samples or the measurement of liquid and gaseous effluents in order to characterize and quantify contaminants, assess radiation exposures to members of the public, provide a means to control effluents at or near the point of discharge, and demonstrate compliance with applicable standards and permit requirements
- Environmental surveillance. The collection and analysis of samples, or the direct measurements of, air, water, soil, vegetation, and other media from the Berkeley Lab site and its environs in order to determine compliance with applicable standards and permit requirements, assess radiation exposures to members of the public, and assess the effects, if any, on the local environment
- Meteorological monitoring. The collection of representative meteorological data to characterize atmospheric transport and diffusion conditions in the vicinity of the Berkeley Lab, and to support environmental surveillance activities, such as air quality monitoring and exposure assessments.
- Pre-operational monitoring. An environmental study conducted prior to the start-up of a new facility, or a process to establish a baseline for environmental conditions
- Reports. Information on environmental-monitoring activities is reported annually in the Berkeley Lab Site Environmental Reports. The more recent reports are separated into two volumes. Volume I summarizes environmental-monitoring results, compares the results with regulatory limits, and discusses environmental impacts to the public and the local environment. Volume II contains individual data from effluent and surveillance activities.
- Meteorological monitoring. An on-site 20-meter weather tower collects meteorological data — wind speed, wind direction, temperature, dew point, barometric pressure, solar radiation, and precipitation — every 15 minutes. The data can be obtained at the Berkeley Lab Weather site in either graphical or tabular form. Note: Data displayed on this site have not been validated and should be considered preliminary.
62.8 Source Requirements
Regulations, Requirements, Guidelines | Topic | Oversight Agency |
10 CFR 20.2003 | Disposal by Release into Sanitary Sewerage | EPA |
17 CCR 30253 | Radiation protection standards of radionuclides in sewer discharge and water | EBMUD, DPH |
22 CCR 64443 | Domestic Water Quality Maximum Contaminant Level for Radioactivity | RWQCB |
23 CCR 2550 and 2610 | USTs | RWQCB |
23 CCR 2610-2727 | USTs | City of Berkeley |
40 CFR Part 122-125 | National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulations, including Stormwater Discharge (Clean Water Act) | SWRCB, RWQCB |
40 CFR Part 136 | Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants (under the Clean Water Act) | EPA |
40 CFR Part 280 | Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for Owners and Operators of Underground Storage Tanks (UST) | City of Berkeley |
40 CFR Part 403 | General Pretreatment Regulations for New and Existing Sources of Pollution | EBMUD |
40 CFR Part 50 | National Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards | EPA |
40 CFR Part 58 | Ambient Air Quality Surveillance | EPA |
40 CFR Part 60 | Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources | BAAQMD |
40 CFR Part 61 | National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants | EPA |
40 CFR Subchapter N | Effluent Guidelines and Standards (Clean Water Act) | EBMUD |
California Health and Safety Code 25280-25299 | USTs | City of Berkeley |
DOE Order 450.1A | Environmental Protection Program | DOE |
DOE Order 5400.5 | Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment | DOE |
DOE/EH-0173T | Environmental Regulatory Guide for Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Environmental Surveillance | DOE |
DOE-STD-1153-2002 | A Graded Approach for Evaluating Radiation Doses to Aquatic and Terrestrial Biota | DOE |
SW-846 | Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods | EPA |
62.9 Reference Documents
Document Number | EH&S Reference | Title | Type | | PUB-3180-2009 | Environmental Management System Program Manual | Plan |