“At my last position, waste seemed to be managed more easily than here at the Lab. Why?”
LBNL has a permitted Hazardous Waste Handling Facility at B85. By being a permitted facility, we can store hazardous waste for up to one year after it comes from a Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA). The one-year storage time allows us the flexibility to manage the variety of waste mixtures created by the Lab.
“Can Waste Management characterize and requisition my waste for me”?
Not only is it a requirement of the hazardous waste regulations, the Waste Generator is the responsible and knowledgeable person who can identify the contents of the waste container. Filling out the hazardous waste disposal requisition is made easier if the hazardous (or mixed) waste label attached to the container is completed accurately.
“Can Waste Management come to the lab periodically and remove the waste?”
In order to streamline efficiencies for shipping full containers of waste across multiple site-wide Satellite Accumulations Areas, Waste Generator Assistants submit the waste requisition forms when full. With this process, waste handling is also minimized, keeping exposures to chemicals and radioactivity as low as reasonably achievable.