To receive or ship radioactive material the researcher must have an applicable RWA and the required radiation worker training.
- Refer to transportation guidelines in the applicable Radioactive Work Authorization (RWA).
- Contact the Radiation Protection Group (x7652) if transportation assistance is needed or if radioactive materials need to be shipped.
- Refer to RPG’s Zone Support contact list to identifying the RCT or HP for your building:
Need radioactive material shipped from LBNL?
Please complete the RPG Transportation request for shipment form online, print, sign, and forward to your building assigned RPG support person:
Receiving radioactive material at LBNL?
If receiving radioactive material at LBNL; radioactive material should be sent to the following address:
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Attention: EHS RPG, PO_______
C/O (LBNL Requester) RWA___ Zone___
1 Cyclotron Road, Bldg. 75-127
Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: (510) 486-7652