Health Services is introducing a new tool that will make it easier for employees and affiliates to communicate securely with the medical professionals at the Lab. It replaces a mostly paper-based system of occupational health information.
An electronic Occupational Health Record system at is available to all employees and affiliates. The portal provides communications between Health Services staff and employees, is a repository for testing results, and provides links to information about FMLA and disability leave, illness, and other health topics. As part of the initial access, the user will need to give a one-time consent to receive information via the portal.
“We are happy that we can provide secure communications that protect a patient’s privacy,” said Dr. Timur Durrani, the Lab’s medical director. “Those in Lab testing programs, such as lead or asbestos, will have test results and additional information in their profile. All employees and affiliates automatically have access to the system, and if they have to schedule an appointment, it can now be done efficiently through”
The tool is provided by Enterprise Health which has agreed to the UC data security requirements and implements many industry best practices. In order to provide easy access, has been configured to use the Lab’s authentication system.
The portal also has links to emotional and physical health information.
The portal will have additional modules over time. These include a supervisor view, notification of missing compliance training, integrated disability management, and integration with non-occupational personal health information.