If you work at a Lab site, you must acknowledge you are up-to-date with your COVID vaccination or decline to receive it by completing an attestation by Jan. 1 in compliance with the UC vaccination policy. No proof of vaccination is required. Represented employees should consult their collective bargaining agreement for information on COVID vaccination. Those […]
Preparing for the Respiratory Virus Season
Respiratory Virus Season is upon us. Although respiratory viruses circulate throughout the year, they tend to peak during the winter months. Several viruses can be in circulation, including influenza, coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus, human bocavirus, human metapneumovirus, rhinovirus, and parainfluenza virus. These viruses can cause a range of respiratory infections, from common colds […]
CDC Replaces “Community Levels” for Measuring COVID-19 Risk
The Centers for Disease Control has retired the community-level measurement of COVID in a community and now uses a hospitalization rate to track the spread of COVID in a county. DOE and the Lab will now use the CDC Hospital Admission Level to guide face covering and other requirements. For the past year, the Department […]
Flu Attestation Not Required At This Time (2023)
May 2023 Update: Flu vaccination attestation is not required at this time. Stay tuned for new information in September 2023. Resources: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention on the flu
Expired Hand Sanitizer is OK to Use
Have you noticed an expiration date on containers of hand sanitizer in your work area? If the expiration date has passed, not to worry. It is safe to use hand sanitizer beyond the expiration date, especially if it has never been opened. If your container of hand sanitizer still has a strong alcohol odor and […]
Changes to Health Services Masking Policy
Effective April 5, 2023, Health Services staff and visitors will no longer be required to wear a mask when inside the B26 Health Services facility. Masking requirements will now be the same as the lab wide masking requirements, which are tied to the CDC Community levels. This change is in alignment with the California Department […]
Site-Wide Drinking Water Source Testing
Your health and safety are important to us at the Lab and we are taking steps to help ensure that all aspects of our environment at our workplaces are safe. The Lab obtains water from the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), which supplies water to much of the East Bay. As a public water […]
Ventilation at the Lab and COVID-19
Additional attention is focused on building ventilation as more people return to physical workspaces. Recently, the White House issued the Clean Air in Buildings Challenge, providing guidelines for ventilation, filtration, and communications. The Lab is already implementing many of the recommendations in the challenge, working with Facilities, Environment, Health and Safety (EHS), Sustainable Berkeley Lab, […]
National Nurses Week
National Nurses’ Week begins May 6 and ends on May 12, Florence Nightingale’s birthday, to honor the dedication, strength, and perseverance of nurses in the field. The Berkeley Lab community extends its gratitude and appreciation to Juan Aranda, Amelia Atalig-Smith, Rangineh Bassir, Azure Chabot, Diane Fuller and Kelly Pratt! The Lab’s occupational health nurses wear […]
Masking Continues on Lab Shuttles
Masks are still required on the Lab shuttles (and on BART as well). While Alameda and Contra Costa counties are still at low risk per the new CDC guidelines, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Marin counties have entered medium risk and the entire Bay Area is experiencing an upswing in COVID cases. Continuing the use […]
What Has Changed at the Lab: Ergonomics
Depending on the COVID conditions in our communities, more people will return to work at one of the Lab sites in the coming weeks. In this conversation with Melanie Alexandre, EHS ergonomics subject matter expert, we looked at what changes to expect when discussing ergonomics. Q: What are the three biggest changes in ergonomics since […]
COVID Booster Info Upload Due Feb. 28
All medically eligible employees, whether working on site or not, and affiliates who come to a Lab site must have a COVID booster shot by Feb. 28 per the UC COVID policy. Employees and affiliates should upload proof to the Lab’s occupational health record at clinic.lbl.gov. Those who are currently medically eligible to receive a […]
New On-site Requirement for Face Covers
Effective immediately, anyone coming on a Lab site must wear one of four options when coming to a Lab site: N95 respirator KN95 or KF94 mask Surgical mask alone or under a cloth face mask Filtered cloth covering Unfiltered cloth face covers alone will no longer be allowed, however, you can wear a cloth face […]
Slow the Spread of Omicron
With the spread of Omicron, COVID cases in the community are rising. Because Omicron is so highly transmissible, it is more important than ever to be sure that we follow the Lab’s COVID-19 safety protocols, including our continuing commitment to the Health Pledge. We have the tools to slow the spread of Omicron and other […]
New COVID Safety Protocols
New COVID Safety Protocols The new COVID safety protocol protects ALL workers at the Lab and allows those who need to work onsite more access. The Lab does not require you to be vaccinated. Instead, we are asking that you declare your vaccine status so that we may require the proper COVID safety protocol to keep you […]
New Way to View COVID Testing Results
Beginning Wednesday, May 12, your results will now be available in the Lab’s new Occupational Health Record system at clinic.lbl.gov You will continue to schedule your COVID screening through our vendor, BasisDX. Click here for Covid Testing information, including scheduling if this is your first time utilizing BasisDx services. Please use these instructions to view […]
COVID Vaccination Policy & Documentation
Update: Vaccination Documentation – If you have been vaccinated at one of the Lab clinics, your vaccination information is stored in the Lab’s occupational health record system, and no further action is needed. If you have been fully vaccinated from any other source, such as your health care provider or in a community clinic (one […]
Upload Your COVID Vaccination Card
You can now upload your COVID vaccination card to the Lab’s new occupational health records system. Even if you don’t yet have your vaccine, you can go to clinic.lbl.gov and experience the new system as all employees have access. Other occupational health information will be added over time. Instructions On Uploading
Safety Reminder for Those Return to Lab Work
As researchers eagerly begin to return to the lab, safety should be a key consideration. One researcher, who had been away from the Lab for three months, spent several hours doing tube handling and pipetting their first day back in a lab. The next day the researcher repeated similar lab work. On the third day, […]
Personal Purchase of Ergo Equipment at a Discount
Workrite, an external vendor, is offering discounts to Lab employees for personal purchases of office equipment including sit/stand tables, lighting, and other items. These items are not reimbursable by the Lab. Click HERE for the flyer.
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