Click on the links below for laser hazard warning signage (caution and danger signs and notices) and labels that you can modify for your specific application. These are created in PowerPoint and Word.
- Avery5163 laser not in use.doc
- Avery5163 Non-interlocked.doc
- Caution Class 2.ppt
- Caution Class 2M.ppt
- Danger Class 4.ppt
- Label_beam tube.ppt
- Labels_ non interlocked housing.ppt
- Labels_vertical beam.ppt
- Notice Alignment.ppt
- Notice laser service.ppt
- Notice Temporary Laser Controlled Area.ppt
- Notice Unattended laser.ppt
- Warning Class 3B and 4.ppt
- Warning Class 3B.ppt
- Warning Class 4.ppt