Due to security concerns and lack of encrypted email, please do not email any personal health information to Health Services. All health information can be mailed, hand-delivered, or faxed to (510) 486-7192.
Medical Surveillance
Health Services provides medical surveillances to LBNL employees who work under conditions and with materials that have a potential health risk (e.g., carcinogens, biological agents, toxic chemicals, noise, and lasers).Optometry Services
Prescription Safety Glasses are available for all employees, and all users of Class 3b and Class 4 lasers are eligible for Laser Eye Exams.Pregnancy/Reproductive Health Hazard Assessment
LBNL employees are welcome to seek consultation regarding occupational pregnancy or reproductive health concerns.Voluntary New Hire Evaluations
All new career employees are eligible to receive a comprehensive baseline evaluation, and if indicated, pulmonary function testing and electrocardiogram. Contact us to schedule your appointment.