Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL) has adopted an Asbestos Management Program. The policy is to immediately remove or repair all asbestos-containing materials that pose a significant health hazard due to location or condition. Asbestos that is in good condition will be maintained in a condition that will not produce a significant risk to LBL personnel. Asbestos-containing material will be removed, repaired and/or protected prior to planned renovations, demolitions, or modifications that may result in its disturbance. All removal and repairs shall be conducted in a safe manner that is consistent with applicable regulations, DOE requirements, and recognized good practice.
EHS Industrial Hygienists are available to evaluate the condition of asbestos-containing material and to determine if controls are necessary. Additionally, the Industrial Hygiene Group maintains an inventory of the location of asbestos-containing material. A copy of the inventory may be obtained by contacting Rafael Brown at x5638.
Also refer to PUB-3000, Chapter 4 Exposure Assessment.
More Information
OSHA’s Asbestos in Construction Regulation Resource (link)
Bay Area Air Quality Management (BAAQMD) regulations (pdf)