Are you ready to QUIT smoking?
Know someone who is ready to quit?
The City of BerkelyPublic Health Can Help!
Those who complete the class will get a $25 gift card to either Safeway or Berkeley Bowl.
What: A FREE 8-session smoking cessation program ($25 gift card for those who complete the classes)
Where: Through Video Conference (class login information given after registration is complete)
Who: ANYONE 18+ who is ready to quit smoking for good and lives in Berkeley or the Bay Area
When: Sept: 23, 30, Oct: 7, 14, 18, 21, 28 Nov: 4
Evenings from 6-8pm
*Thursday classes except for 1 Monday on 10/18/2021
To REGISTER click on this intake form link or cut and paste the following web address into your internet search browser
Quit Smoking Classes proven effective by the American Lung Association!
For more information:
Call: (510) 981-5330 or E-mail: