Update: Vaccination Documentation –
- If you have been vaccinated at one of the Lab clinics, your vaccination information is stored in the Lab’s occupational health record system, and no further action is needed.
- If you have been fully vaccinated from any other source, such as your health care provider or in a community clinic (one dose for the J&J vaccine and two doses for the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine), you can upload your vaccination card to the Lab’s occupational health record system using these instructions.
Vaccination Policy –
The Lab will implement an interim University of California COVID vaccination educational policy that requires employees and affiliates who come to a Lab site to either 1) obtain the COVID vaccination, or 2) decline it after reviewing educational material about the benefits of the vaccine. The policy will be implemented once there are enough available appointments for the vaccine, potentially later this summer. There will also be an option to decline the vaccination.
This policy does not apply to those who do not need to come onto Lab property.
“Vaccinated people are one of the most powerful tools we have to end the pandemic,” said Lab Medical Director Dr. Timur Durrani. “Following a robust vaccination program allows us to return to work on-site sooner and keeps our colleagues, our family, and the community safe.”