UC Walks is an annual System-wide Well Being Initiative that is coordinated by the wellness program at each campus and health system. UC Walks promotes wellness and an active lifestyle by encouraging faculty, staff, and retirees to complete 30 minutes of activity (walking, running, hiking, stair work, dancing, biking, etc.). The annual event took place […]
According to allergy experts, 1 in 5 people in the US suffer from allergies. If you suffer from allergies, learn about management and prevention techniques to get some relief. Sutter Health offers informational resources on this topic and more. Become informed by the experts at the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. If you […]
ERGO Roundup
Ergo Update: Chairs, Purchasing, Asking for Help The Lab’s Ergonomic team has been working non-stop to make sure all employees can safely work from their telework location as we shelter-in-place. Because there was little time to prepare, the team had to research and write processes and policies to cover the unique situations employees faced while […]
Guidance for Obtaining Furniture for Employees During COVID-19 Shelter In Place
Employees who work from home do not universally own furniture that provides the level of ergonomic adjustability to meet that provided at the Lab. Background: Some employees who are working from home in response to the COVID-19 shelter-in-place situation may need furniture to address discomfort and/or work accommodation. Scope: This guidance applies to furniture during […]
EHS Ergonomics Guidance for Extended Shelter-in-Place
All employees should obtain their ergo items and monitor from their offices (with supervisor permission) and/or purchase allowable items that can be delivered to their homes. Procurement guidance is available. When using laptops, it is best to use a set up that includes a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. The reason is that prolonged direct use […]
Purchasing Chemicals During Safe and Stable Status
While the Lab is in safe and stable mode, orders for chemicals must be postponed unless essential to ongoing operations. Services such as shipping, receiving, and deliveries to buildings are limited, and delivered chemicals may remain unattended in the absence of staff to receive them. Please follow this Lab guidance on purchasing, ordering, and storing […]
Smarter & Safer Chemical Purchasing
Berkeley Lab recently completed a comprehensive chemical inventory, which provided valuable insights into line processes, best practices, and the general utility of the Lab’s Chemical Management System (CMS). It also became apparent there is a cost of not correctly managing chemicals throughout their lifecycle. A Chemical Lifecycle Management working group is reviewing the Lab’s chemical […]
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Awareness Day
February 29th is Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) Awareness Day because it is the only ‘nonrepetitive’ day of the year. Repetitive Stress Injuries are soft-tissue injuries that happen over time and can limit normal daily activities and cause persistent pain. RSI can affect the muscles, nerves and tendons of the neck, upper and lower back, shoulders, […]
American Heart Month – February 2020
February is American Heart Month. Learn about “Keeping Your Heart Healthy.” Take a Wellness Webinar provided by Health Net on February 19th from 12- 12:45 pm (PST). You do not have to be a Health Net Member to join, the webinar is offered to all LBNL employees. Registration is required you can register here. Wellness […]
Video: Coronavirus Myth vs. Science
Seminar Replay – Coronavirus: Myth vs. Science Watch the replay of Lab Medical Director Timur Durrani’s recent brown bag session on coronaviruses and what you can do to keep yourself, your family, and your colleagues healthy. Hear what to do when you are traveling, when you should stay home, and what the Lab is doing […]
Latest Information On the Coronavirus
Information on the Coronavirus (2019-nCov) can be found here.
Coronavirus Spreading From Asia
Stay Well Tips: New Coronavirus Spreading From Asia The coronavirus that started in Asia has reached the United States and can spread rapidly since it is now known that the virus can spread from person to person. The virus started in Wuhan, China and has now appeared in several other countries. Passengers on flights coming […]
Virtual Ergonomics Coach is Now Available
A new version of RSI Guard is now available for free download from software.lbl.gov. Go here for more information.
Purchase First Aid Kits Through eBuy
Health Services has created a process by which Divisions can request the purchase of first aid kits for onsite, local use: Divisions submit a form with their PID and select from three sizes of first aid kitsHealth Services orders the kits via Procurement to ship to the Clinic at B26 Upon delivery, Health Services removes […]
Lessons Learned from Laser Beam Exposure at Jefferson National Lab
A graduate student at Jefferson National Lab inspected the end of a laser fiber without realizing that the Class 4 laser (30 W) connected to the fiber was energized. Because the student was wearing goggles, there was no injury. However, the goggles showed visible damage, and without their protection, the student would have suffered a […]
Inspect Your Custom-Built Desktop Computers for Known Fire Risk
An internal, low-voltage power cable to a DVD drive in a custom-built desktop computer caught fire recently. The fire was limited to the computer, and the fire self-extinguished once the power cord was unplugged. The desktop PC parts, including the DVD drive, were listed or UL-recognized components. Fortunately, the employee was in the office, noticed […]
Know your numbers!
Health Services is offering a Wellness program called “Know Your Numbers”. With a simple finger stick, you will receive information on your cholesterol and blood sugar. Blood pressure, height/weight and BMI will also be measured to give you a personal health snapshot. For best results, fasting is recommended, and the total process takes about 15 […]
June is Men’s Health Month
Take steps to lead a healthy lifestyle and improve your overall health or encourage men that you know. Even small changes can make a big difference. Here are some tips for staying healthy: Get active – Join in on UC walks June, 14th at 11:30 AM at the Café. Eat a healthy diet and maintain […]
Emergency Training in Action Saves Choking Employee
Lab employee Mike Johnson put his Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT) training to good use earlier this month when he assisted a fellow employee who was choking on a vitamin. “A co-worker, who had just taken several multivitamins, starting choking in front of me’” said Mike. “My co-worker tried to sip water but that didn’t […]
UC Walks June 14th
UC Walks is an annual Systemwide WellBeing Initiative program that is coordinated by the wellness programs at each campus and health system. UC Walks promotes wellness and an active lifestyle by encouraging faculty, staff, and retirees to take time out of their day to walk. The event also builds community and campus spirit throughout the […]
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