April is National Minority Health Month:National Minority Health Month is a time to raise awareness about health disparities that continue to affect people from racial and ethnic minority groups and encourage action through health education, early detection, and control of disease complications. Check out these two websites: National Institute of Health and the U.S. DHHS.
National Nutrition Month
March is National Nutrition Month:It’s the 50th anniversary of National Nutrition Month – to learn about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits, check out these two websites: eatright.org and Diet & Nutrition from the National Institutes of Health.
UC Moves May 1 – 28, 2023
UC Moves is an annual system-wide initiative promoting wellness and an active lifestyle by encouraging faculty, staff, and retirees to take time out of their day to walk. The event also builds community and campus spirit throughout the UC system. Go Here to register beginning April 19. Last day to sign up, or join a team, is […]
Flu Vaccine at LBNL
It’s still flu season, well into spring. According to the CDC, while ideally it’s recommended to get vaccinated by the end of October, it’s important to know that vaccination after October can still provide protection during the peak of flu season. Staff already working on-site, including any retirees, can receive the flu vaccine at Health Services […]
Health Services Winter Curtailment
Health Services hours are 7:30 am – 4:00 pm, Monday-Friday, excluding holidays.
Complete Your Flu Vaccine Acknowledgement
The flu is a killer. In a typical year, the Centers for Disease Control estimate between 9 and 41 million people will become ill, up to 710,000 will need to be hospitalized, and between 12,000 and 52,000 people will die. Receiving an annual flu vaccine is one way to beat it. While the flu season […]
Onsite Employees: Self-Schedule Now for Flu Vaccine
Health Services (B26) will continue to administer flu vaccines for employees and affiliates already working onsite. We offer Afluria or Fluad. Hours are 8:30 – 11:30 AM and 1:00 – 3:00 PM; appointments are required. See the online portal to self-register for an appointment (under My Appointments), complete the consent form and for additional information (under Health Resources). Note […]
Winter Wellness
Join Health Services and Healthy & Well at LBNL this Holiday Season for 5 weeks of healthy eating, moving, thinking and being! Each week, on one day, we’ll host a Zoom or in-person gathering at lunchtime where we come together to discuss and participate in topics such as food prep and meal planning, drinks and […]
LBNL Flu Vaccine
Why should people get vaccinated against the flu? Influenza is a potentially serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death. Every flu season is different, and influenza infection can affect people differently, but millions of people get flu every year, hundreds of thousands of people are hospitalized and thousands to tens of […]
Registration Open for Flu Clinics for Onsite Employees
Flu vaccine clinics will be available on select dates October 4 through November 3 at Health Services (B26, see flyer for details) plus a dedicated date on October 18 at Potter St. (B977, see flyer). We offer Afluria or Fluad. Note that masks are required within Health Services at B26. Flu vaccine is available to employees and affiliates […]
There’s No Such Thing as “Flushable” Wipes
Please do NOT flush paper towels OR wipes down the toilet. After use, paper towels are to be disposed of in a compost bin (available in every restroom), and wipes are discarded in the landfill. Paper towels and wipes (even “flushable” ones) don’t degrade (toilet paper does!) and can clog sewer pipes, which may result […]
Site-Wide Drinking Water Source Testing
Your health and safety are important to us at the Lab and we are taking steps to help ensure that all aspects of our environment at our workplaces are safe. The Lab obtains water from the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), which supplies water to much of the East Bay. As a public water […]
Event Highlight: June 29th – UC Moves
UC Moves Event Update: with COVID-19 cases on the rise across Alameda County, and in an abundance of caution, the UC Moves Event will be held virtually this year. We look forward to your participation and pictures/posts on the Kudoboard for the event! UC Moves @LBNL Flyer Lace up those shoes, stretch out those legs, […]
Ventilation at the Lab and COVID-19
Additional attention is focused on building ventilation as more people return to physical workspaces. Recently, the White House issued the Clean Air in Buildings Challenge, providing guidelines for ventilation, filtration, and communications. The Lab is already implementing many of the recommendations in the challenge, working with Facilities, Environment, Health and Safety (EHS), Sustainable Berkeley Lab, […]
National Nurses Week
National Nurses’ Week begins May 6 and ends on May 12, Florence Nightingale’s birthday, to honor the dedication, strength, and perseverance of nurses in the field. The Berkeley Lab community extends its gratitude and appreciation to Juan Aranda, Amelia Atalig-Smith, Rangineh Bassir, Azure Chabot, Diane Fuller and Kelly Pratt! The Lab’s occupational health nurses wear […]
Masking Continues on Lab Shuttles
Masks are still required on the Lab shuttles (and on BART as well). While Alameda and Contra Costa counties are still at low risk per the new CDC guidelines, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Marin counties have entered medium risk and the entire Bay Area is experiencing an upswing in COVID cases. Continuing the use […]
What Has Changed at the Lab: Ergonomics
Depending on the COVID conditions in our communities, more people will return to work at one of the Lab sites in the coming weeks. In this conversation with Melanie Alexandre, EHS ergonomics subject matter expert, we looked at what changes to expect when discussing ergonomics. Q: What are the three biggest changes in ergonomics since […]
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